Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fishy Fast Food Fobia

This past weekend, my girlfriend, Ashlyn, and I, were arguing over how we can spend our Saturday night.  This argument comes after the football game of course!  Anyway, we bickered for a few minutes and it was brought up that we should watch "The Lion King," and you bet your bottom dollar that was okay with me.  So, we put in the classic and began watching and watching old childhood movies always either makes me reminisce about the good ol' days or cry because today's youth doesn't understand what Hakuna Matata is all about.  In this case, for whatever reason, I reflected back on a childhood story that I can still feel the ramifications of to this very day.
As a young lad of about four or five, I wanted to be just like my Grandaddy.  Growing up, I spent a good deal of time with my grandparents because both of my parents worked and for that I am very thankful.  One particular day my grandparents were taking me around town, which is a considerable distance away since I live in a very rural area, and it was about lunch time.  Now since I was a spoiled rotten child, I always got to pick where we would eat.  I don't know if it was the flashy colors or my Grandaddy's persuasion, but I chose Long John Silvers.  I had never been there before in my young life, so I was anxious to see what was in store.  My grandmother ordered me a happy meal so naturally, I was more excited for the toy rather than the food.  When we received our food, I tore into my happy meal or should I say my slathered in disappointment, make me want to throw a tantrum, with a side of torment meal.  I was in shock!  No, not because of the quality of food, but because Long John Silver did not give me a toy.  I pitched one heck of a fit!  If my Grandaddy wouldn't have taken me into the restroom and given me a real reason to cry, I was sure we could get kicked out.  Like a football player brags if he makes a good catch, I brag because I almost got my family a life long ban in LJS...or so I think.
After 15 years recovery period from this day, I've decided to give it another chance.  Just kidding.  Since that day, I've never put as much as my pinky toe into a Long John Silvers and don't reckon I ever will. I was cheated on that day and cheaters never win and winners never cheat.  "Murica!


  1. Well, Hukuna Matata was a big part of my childhood as well, and I understand where you are coming about the kids these days, they won't understand what it was like to live in our time. I personally have never been in a Long John Silvers, but I sure will never go to one because seafood isn't really my style, except for shrimp that is... I hope one day you can possibly think about eating at one, I've heard it has good food.

  2. That's so funny! I thought you were going to wrap up the story with "Ashlyn and I went to LJS.." Boy would that have been a plot twist!! I think I've eaten there once but it wasn't all that great so I don't think you're missing out on much. Maybe we can... persuade... Professor Sanders to take a field trip to LJS!! Show him how good our persuasion skills are ;)

  3. Hahaha I can totally relate! Not necessarily because I've done that exact thing but because as a child whenever I entered a fast food restaurant I would head one of two places: the restroom or the toy display box. Especially after the release of a new animated movie (Monsters Inc. for example). The toys were always best when they related to a movie you had just seen. Much better than the standard hot wheels that were on display every other week of the year.
