Thursday, October 10, 2013

Prom Sucks

For some prom is a lovely opportunity to show off your date, your outfit, and your overall swag.  For some prom is a very memorable experience that will be in your memory for a lifetime.  However, prom was exactly the opposite for me.
Let's start with Junior year.  I had been seeing this girl since around October and it was prom season so I decided to ask her to prom in early March so she would have time to get her dress.  Unfortunately, we split up before prom, but decided to go anyway.  It was so miserable and awkward.  From the car ride there to the car ride back, I kept thinking how miserable I was and how I wanted to leave her on the side of the road.  I didn't do that, of course, but on to my next prom.  Since I'm from a small town, I was asked by a girl from my rival high school to go to her prom.  She was a Senior and I was still a Junior.  She was a very sweet girl and very pleasant about being around, so you may ask what the big deal is.  She was the big deal...literally.  All girls need some loving, the ugly ones, the fat ones, and a combination of both and she fit that perfectly.  Like I said, she was so nice and this was in fact my most enjoyable prom, but still not what I had in mind.  After both of these proms, we went straight there and straight back home.  No after prom fun.
Now that I'm a Senior I was determined to not let my prom suck, but I managed to also screw this one up somehow.  Once again I was asked to go to prom with a girl from the same rival high school, but this time she was a total dime piece.  Brown hair and brown eyes, she was truly spicy.  Here comes the but.  But, her high school's prom and my high school's prom were on the same night in the same place.  We figured we would split time at both and then after we would go hang with her friends because I'm a gentleman with ambition of seeing more than her brown hair and brown eyes.  However, as soon as we got to prom, she ran away with her friends and the next time I saw her was to drive her to where her friends were wanting to hang out.  Thinking I could still save the night, I played it off like ditching me was no big thing and told her how nice she looked, blah blah freakin' blah.  When we got to our destination, she told me she would be back in 3 hours and to be waiting for her.  This made Adam sad, so I called my mommy and she told me how special I was for the next 3 hours.  I took her home in complete silence, she slammed the door behind her when she got out, and I literally ran every stop light on the way from her house to mine in pure disgust.  Luckily I didn't get a ticket because there are no cops in my town, especially at 4am.
I couldn't make these stories up folks.  These are real, first hand accounts of high school prom and I guess it's cool that mine sucked so hard because telling my story is usually in stark contrast to everyone's lovey dovey prom story.  Anyway, I hope you all had nice proms that were certainly better than mine!


  1. Well, the title is just an understatement of what you really felt... not all prom's go the way they should, and I'm sorry that it had to happen to a person like you. This is why you don't go with girls from rival schools... it usually never works out. The same thing happened to me at my prom, so don't feel to bad, it happens to more people than you would think.

  2. Aaw Adam, this stinks!! I feel like everyone has this expectation that prom is so great and spectacular, but when it really happens its not as big as we dreamed it to be. I'm so sorry you didn't have at least have one positive experience, but I'm sure your wedding will make up for it because it will be with a girl you love and the night will definitely go past her gorgeous eyes and hair ;)

  3. The only prom I went to was to a different school's prom, but I had a little better experience than that, dude. But all I could think about when you went on to describe three proms in two years is all the money that must've sucked up. Maybe it's just the Northern Virginia lifestyle that I'm used to, but our proms are always some big shabang and the prices reflect it. Needless to say, if I spent as much money as I'm thinking you may have and my nights went like yours did, it would not be cool at all.
